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Note that the extension described here is no longer in use on the wiki, nor even installed on it.


This extension allows users to be nominated for addition to or removal from a group and for other users to vote on the result. It also supports a miscellaneous decision type. Each decision has two editable pages associated with it - one for pre- and one for post-result discussion. Nominees may accept or decline their nomination for addition decisions. Top-of-page alerts inform of nomination or decision result until acknowledged. A summary page lists decisions and allows the list to be tailored by criteria. A tally page for each decision shows who has or has not voted along with each voter's rationale. A proposal page allows those with the 'vote' right to propose new decisions. A preferences page allows a voter to mark him/herself inactive and to change the colours shown in the summaries.

The tallying algorithm assumes minimal voter participation in two ways:

  • it applies a liberal definition of "majority" if a decision times out
  • it finalises decisions that time out with supporting votes and no dissenting votes, first passing them through a pending stage.
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